Famous Car Logos and Their Stories – Part 2

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Welcome to the second part of my article! 🎊🎉  You can find the first part here.  Enjoy the 5 more logo stories. Car Logos Stories.

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    The name part of "Martin" comes from the surname of Lionel Martin, one of the company's founders. The name part of "Aston" comes from Aston Hill Climb, the place where he found success. The wings of the figure were added to the logo in 1927 to symbolize speed, and are thought to have been inspired by Bentley's winged hood-top logo.

  2. 2 BUGATTI

    The name Bugatti comes from Ettore Bugatti, the founder of the brand. The 60 spots on the edge of the red oval allegedly represent the safety wires used in Bugatti's engine due to its lack of seals.


    Ferrucio Lamborghini, who founded the brand, chose the bull, which is the sign as the brand's logo And all Lamborghini models are named after wrestling Bulls in Spain. 


    The figure, consisting of two consecutive “R” letters, symbolizes the Rolls-Royce initials. The statuette “Spirit of Ecstasy”, located on the hood, is said to reflect the spirit of the car in a quiet and mysterious way. Also, according to some claims, the designer of the car represented his lover with this figurine. 

  5. 5 TESLA

    The brand name comes from Nikola Tesla, who found alternating current. The perpendicular part of the stylized letter T in the logo represents the rotor pole, and the curved line on it represents part of the fixed coil, showing us the cross-section of the electric motor.

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Sinem Basman

She is studying Department of Business Administration at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She works as a social media consultant at Graphia Design. She is also a volunteer social media consultant to The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes writing about creative ads, packaging design and guerrilla marketing. If you want to contact her for creative content, ideas and other business matters, you can say hi via e-mail or Instagram.

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