10 Facts About Levi’s That You Did Not Know

1 min

Topic: 10 Facts About Levi’s

Levi’s is one of widely known brands and many people prefer wearing Levi’s Jeans and other products. Levi’s history goes back to very early years and the strategies and the market of Levi’s has changed over the years. Let’s take a look together! 🙂

  1. 1 Levi's Full Name

    Full Name is actually Levi Strauss & Co. founded by a German-American businessman in United States.

  2. 2 Lady Levi's

    Levi's introduced the first blue Jeans for women in 1934.

  3. 3 The Red Tab

    Levi’s used the Red Tab in 1936 for the first time. (Their aim is to differentiate their jeans from others).

  4. 4 Levis is Owner of Dockers

    Levi’s launches Dockers in 1986.

  5. 5 They were Overalls

    Levi's' products were not called as jeans till 1950s. 

  6. 6 Quality Code of Levi's

    Levi's' products have different qualities. 5xx (550, 501, 511 etc.) show that the product owns the highest quaility! 😀

  7. 7 One Back Pocket

    Until 1901 jeans had only one back pocket! 😀 it is interesting, isn't it? 🙂

  8. 8 Leather Patches

    Due to tight competition between jean brands, Levi’s had to stop putting a leather patch. 😀

  9. 9 Levi's Loves Showing Its Quality! 😀

    You cannot see the Two Horse patch till 1886.

  10. 10 Zipper Was Not Cool

    Zippers were not seen as cool in the past. 😀 

  11. 11 BONUS: Couples Wear The Same T-shirt

    Nowadays many couples prefer wearing the same T-shirts of Levi's. Have you seen them or Are you one of them? 😀

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Kaan Kaval

SEO Manager of Marketing Birds. Marketing Student at Akdeniz University. Extremely motivated to share marketing campaigns, constantly develop my skills and grow professionally.

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