Happy International Women’s Day With These Outstanding Ad Campaigns!

1 min

Every year on the 8th of March, Women’s Day is celebrated worldwide. On this day, everyone celebrates women’s achievements, raises awareness about issues that concern women, and tries to motivate all women for a better future. This year’s celebrations will include our article too. We have tried to find some of the best and most interesting ad campaigns for International Women’s Day. We hope you like it! Don’t forget to follow Marketing Birds to avoid missing similar shares. IG: @marketingbirds

  1. 1 Vodafone Group Ad Campaign

    Vodafone Group

    Vodafone Group's ad campaign for Women's Day in 2018 is about gender inequality. It represents the hard road women go through when working in jobs that are considered to be masculine. Kids do not understand the reason that this gender inequality happens, so their question is easy, "Why?". The answer to this question still remains silent. However, all together we can make gender inequality a thing of the past. 

  2. 2 McDonald's Ad Campaign

    Ads of Brands

    For Women's Day in 2018, McDonald's flipped its logo "M" upside down, which is "W" symbolizing the word "Woman". The call of wisdom within women will illuminate the world the same way as a lap illuminates a dark room.

  3. 3 Australian Film And TV Industry

    "Behind every great man is a great woman..." This advertisement shows that the place of this sentence in the positioning of the woman is wrong. No matter men or women, everyone must support each other. We can also say "Behind every great woman is a great man". #BesideNotBehind


    • Written by Cassie De Colling & Olivia Cheung 
    • Directed by Cassie De Colling 
    • Produced by Olivia Cheung
  4. 4 ProofHub Ad Campaign


    "Here is to the Boss Ladies," says ProofHub in this ad campaign and this is what we say too. Here is to the women who never give up chasing their dreams and becoming the Boss of their lives. By working hard and staying focused on their main goal, women can change the world.

  5. 5 Netflix

    Netflix shows us the story of groundbreaking women. It is important - even we can say revolution - each step to be first for women. Because breaking taboos is hard. So, we should do something and step out of line. Therefore: "We're Only Story Away"

    Along with these ad campaigns, we wish all women in the world power and brightness in their lives. And as Ntozake Shange, a famous American playwright has stated "Where there is woman, there is magic." Don't let the darkness overwhelm the light that is found deep within your soul. 

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Armela Tusha

- Student of Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, Poland. -Studying Public Relations, Marketing & New Media.

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