Striking Women’s Day Ads

1 min

Women’s Day has come. This week, people, presses talked more than other days about women’s rights everywhere. But we still talk about women’s rights even NOWADAYS, and this is painful. This means that borders, harassments, and acts of violence directed women exist in the world. And we still try to fight back these. Also, some institutions and brands stand by women, especially on 8 March. Everything is for awareness and hope of change something. Thus we collected striking women’s day ads. Let’s started. Don’t forget to follow Marketing Birds to avoid missing similar shares. IG: @marketingbirds

  1. 1 Women Acknowledged

    These ads prepared by PPS For Professional and this campaign called ‘Women Acknowledged’. Still, some people see female identity instead of job position in work-life. These ads aimed to break up these norms.

  2. 2 #LetUsUntag #ChooseToChallenge

    Westlife Development and McDonald's collaborated. It is aimed to emphasize that there should be no need for discrimination in words. Boss is boss. There should not be discrimination against women.

  3. 3 #TheDriverIsHer

    There is Audi and Lego collaboration. This ad has a story. You may have noticed the woman in the picture below. Her name is Michèle Mouton who known as "The Queen of Speed". She won a World Rally Championship and this is the only woman who can. Audi and Lego wanted to pay their respects to her. Thus they worked with DDB that created a great campaign. This is lovely, isn't it?

  4. 4 Impossible To Ignore

    Domestic violence is disgusting and is the most insidious. Amnesty International preferred to represent famous women portraits. Marilyn Moore, Frida Kahlo, and Mona Lisa portraits were used in this work. 


    Advertising School: Miami Ad School

    Art Directors: Caro Latorraca, Vinicius Gavazzi

  5. 5 Every Voice Heard Is A Victory

    This campaign was created for Maria da Penha Institute. W.O.'s actions provided to save many women and still do. And shows us in this campaign, real harassers are serving their sentences. No matter women or men, when everyone notices sexual harassment, they must not remain silent and must report it.  This supports a slogan with "Every voice heard is a victory".

  6. 6 Attention To The Small Signs And The Disrespect Has An End

    This ad is created by Bangboo. Women are exposed to verbal or nonverbal harassment. Bangboo wants to emphasize and represent a simple and effective way.

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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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