Inspiring Christmas Packaging Designs of Top Brands: Coca-Cola, Nestle, Nutella and Toblerone

1 min

The holiday season is always a good time for spreading joy and festiveness. Everywhere is filled with the Christmas tree. It is also a time when many companies create limited editions and unique packaging design for their products, to leave a mark and make their customers feel special.  To further the Christmas spirit, we’ve chosen our favorite packaging designs.

Enjoy these thoughtfully designed packages and be inspired!😍🎁

  1. 1 Christmas Packs by Coca-Cola

    The Coca-Cola system is well and truly into the Christmas spirit with limited-edition packaging labels. 👏👏

  2. 2 Christmas Packaging by Kitkat Senses

    KitKat Senses has taken their pack and given it a festive feel by changing their regular square box into a tree. Simple, but effective. Who doesn’t love a good Christmas tree?🎄 It even has a hole at the top so you can hang your tree on your tree. A nice touch.👌

  3. 3 Christmas Packaging by Nutella

    Every moment is more tasteful with Nutella, which is perfectly suitable for the Christmas time: Christmas never tasted this good 😋

  4. 4 Toblerone Christmas Packaging

    This creative packaging was designed by Agent Illustrateur for Toblerone. Polar bears and penguins are cute. 😍

Topic: Inspiring Christmas packaging designs

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Yaren Dura

She is studying business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes writing about creative ads, packaging design and guerrilla marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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