6 Attractive Christmas Themed Packaging Design

1 min

Christmas spirit beautifies everywhere, everything. People want to see this spirit in their environment. Companies that know it, take care of their stores, packaging, advertisements, etc. They make an effort to reflect this spirit with Christmas themes. We find Christmas packaging designs that became successful for you.

Credit: Adweek/Giphy

Topic: Attractive Packaging Designs for X-mas

  1. 1 Deer Chocolate

    This Christmas packaging is designed by Natalia Kruglaya. The deer theme is focused on. This packaging is cute, isn't it? 

  2. 2 Burger King

    Burger King's packaging is designed by Turner Duckworth. Packaging designs have fine details like the meatballs button and spatula belt in whopper's packaging, snowman, and deer in beverage packagings. These packagings are creative and simple design also feels happy people.

  3. 3 Christmas Tea

    Maja Matas designed this Christmas tree packaging that is basic and catchy. This creativity is not the only appearance. Also, the packaging's inside is practical, creative.

  4. 4 Pringles

    Pringles is full of surprises. We come across various Pringleses within 12 days. Pringles that do the countdown, provide to spend a good time. 

  5. 5 Compartes


    Compartes presents a chic design for the Christmas theme. Sweet Santa images combine as good as the sweet chocolate taste. 

  6. 6 Starbucks

    Starbucks designs various, inspiring about Christmas every year. Red and green is Christmas colors that combine with red Starbucks' green logo. Each packaging is detailed, attentive like snowflakes, deer, lightings, trees. People want to buy from each various packaging. 

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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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