Instagram Wants to Hide Likes

Instagram is currently testing to hide the total number of likes and video views. Brace yourselves folks, Instagram 2.0 is on its way! 1 min

Topic: Instagram Wants to Hide Likes!

Instagram 2.0

Technically, not much will change. As you wander on the newsfeed, you will see pictures and videos with comments on them, but not the likes and views. Only the person who published the post will get to know the number of likes/views of the publication and who liked the post. 


Even if this functionality is only at the testing stage, what if it was officially deployed? Removing likes is a HUGE change for the "look how great my life is" social network. Likes on Instagram have become a key element if not THE key element. 

Most people think twice or, let's be honest, many times before posting a picture. If this latter does not "work well enough", that is to say, it doesn't have enough likes, many people delete it from their profile. 

Is this the end for Instagram Influencers?

This new function will definitely have an impact on Influencers and may even cut down the number of Influencers on the social network since likes are also a sign of commitment to brands who work with Influencers. 

However, Instagram stated that this function won't affect analytic tools ‘Insights’ and ‘Ad Manager’ used by businesses and creators on the platform. 

Therefore, it would be beneficial for Instagram to introduce a feature which allows brands, with the permission of the Influencer, to access the reach and statistics of the Influencer's account such as "share July insights". 

Let's talk benefits

This feature will not only allow for people to be confident and post what they genuinely want to post rather than what they think their followers will 'like' (pun intended). This will hopefully make Instagram a positive social space.

As Instagram explained, they are testing this feature because “We want Instagram to be a place where people feel comfortable expressing themselves. We hope this test will remove the pressure of how many likes a post will receive, so you can focus on sharing the things you love.” 


Anyways, we still don't know whether this will be a permanent update or not.

All we know right now is that we all want the chronological order back! Am I right? 🙄

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Ghita Salouane

A marketing and finance student at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane (Morocco). Passionate about marketing and believes that everything you can imagine is real.

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