The Winner of the Brands World Cup was Announced!

1 min

Topic: The Winner of the Brands World Cup

Brands play an increasingly important role in our everyday lives. Brands define who we are, how we live, our standards of living and ultimately, our quality of life. We constantly choose between brands while eating, shopping or choosing cars. So what is your favorite brand in these popular brands? As the Marketing Birds team, we wondered the answer to this question. Therefore,  we organized a competition on our Instagram page in the last week. These most popular brands went through 3 stages which quarter-final, semi-final, and big-final with your votes.

Thousands of followers participated in the contest. In the semi-final, coca-cola that eliminated Nike with 1 vote matched Mc Donalds and matched youtube with google. Finally, the two big brands that eliminated their rivals in the semifinals, Coca Cola and Google matched in the big finale for the Brands World Cup. Who do you think won? You can guess last time without seeing the result 🙂

Google eliminated the rival coca-cola with 66% of votes in the Big Final and became the winning brand for Marketing Birds Brands WorldCup. Congratulations Google 😉 Thank you to everyone who participated in the contest. Keep on following to participate in other competitions on our Instagram page 🙂


What do you think about the Winner of the Brands World Cup? Tell us! 😀

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