This Print Ad Tells Your Foot Type

One of the biggest hindrances for runners is injuring themselves by wearing wrong shoes. To help them, ASICS came up with a simple and accessible idea: A Print Ad. 1 min

The majority of runners don’t know the best shoes for themselves since they don’t know their foot type. To solve this problem, ASICS is running a print ad with a practical purpose: it helps runners to work out what kind of shoe they need.

You do not need to visit an orthopedist or a private shoe store thanks to this test. The ASICS ad uses a thermochromic ink that reacts to your body heat. All you have to do is standing on the print ad! The ad would then show your foot type whether it is neutral, supinator or pronator.

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Emine Kuzören

Former Editor and Social Media Manager of Marketing Birds. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes writing about guerrilla marketing and packaging design. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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