What Would You Pay For Your Favorite Apps?

1 min

Pay for your favorite apps: As you know there are so many popular applications that we are currently using them for free. Thanks to the advertisements’ support, the applications do not require some money for it. However, McGuffin Group decided to research for these applications. 2004 people who are between the ages 18 and 71 took part in the research and the question was “what would you pay if apps would be required some fee by the companies? The result was quite interesting. Around 7 of 10 people were willing to pay some money for these applications per month. Let’s have a look the results:

This research includes Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp and Snapchat. Youtube was the highest price for apps that people want to pay and the total avarage price is 2,68$ for all apps   Would you really pay for your favorite apps like netflix or spotify? 🙂

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Kaan Kaval

SEO Manager of Marketing Birds. Marketing Student at Akdeniz University. Extremely motivated to share marketing campaigns, constantly develop my skills and grow professionally.

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