2018 FIFA World Cup Inspired Ads

1 min

FIFA World Cup Inspired Ads

Here we go people !! The 2018 FIFA World Cup starts today! All around the globe, restaurants and cafes are full, friends and family get together to watch the matches and cheer for their favorite team. What a better occasion for brands to promote their products and be part of their clients’ experience with this international event. So here’s a list of 7 brands and their world cup inspired ads.

  1. 1 KFC

    KFC doesn't want to miss all the fun and is putting up a chicken leg to represent the world cup.

  2. 2 Mcdonalds

    Mcdonalds is always here for the latest events. We see the famous Mcdonalds fries shaped into Moscow, the city hosting the game this year.

  3. 3 Coca Cola

    Coca Cola got your back! You can win a trip to Russia to watch a match live.

  4. 4 Master Chips

    Master Chips joined the world cup train with 4 new flavors inspired by the biggest teams from the league.

  5. 5 VISA

    VISA will be your ticket to 2018 FIFA World Cup.

  6. 6 Krikita

    This is just nuts ! (pun intended). Krikita is offering a packaging to each of your favorite teams. On who's side are you?

  7. 7 Pepsi

    Pepsi refuses to be left out and brings together five of the world’s best footballer’s - Leo Messi, Marcelo, Toni Kroos, Carli Lloyd and Dele Alli.

Topic: FIFA World Cup Inspired Ads

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Pauline Khalil

She is studying Marketing & Advertising at Saint Joseph University and perusing her masters in Communication and Product Development. She's passionate about her major and loves creativity. Please don't hesitate to contact her if you would like to show your creative work, say Hello via email.

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