Top 10 World’s Most Valuable Brands in 2020

1 min

The 2020 BrandZ™ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands ranking was prepared by WPP and Kantar. The most influencing factor was Covid-19 to ranking this year. After all, the brands' value increased %5.9. But in the top nine brands stayed in the list. Microsoft gets ahead of Google in the top 10 most valuable global brands' list. MasterCard enters in the top 10 most valuable global brands' list.

These are the other most important changes in the top 100 most valuable global brands. The most surprising newcomer is TikTok (79.). Other newcomers are United Health Care (86.), Bank of China (97.), Lancome (98.), and Pepsi (99.). Remarkable increasings are Instagram (47%), Netflix (34%), Linkedin (31%), and Xbox (18%) in entertainment sector. The yoga-inspired clothing brand is Lululemon that increases by 40%. According to the results, you feel to Covid-19 effects. Besides, brands trend to sustainability, digitalization, and takeaway system. This year, brands that survive and increase value although all problems, succeeded to enter the top 10. Let's view the top 10. You wish, you can rank your list.

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  1. Ebru Çil

    Last year, Amazon's brand value was 315,505 $, increased by 52%, and ranked number 1. This year, Amazon does not lose its position.

  2. Ebru Çil

    In 2019, Apple's brand value was 309,527 $, increased by 3%, and ranked number 2. Apple does not lose its position like Amazon this year.

  3. Ebru Çil

    In 2019, Microsoft's brand value was 251,244 $, increased by 25%, and ranked number 4. Microsoft substituted to Google in 2020.

  4. Ebru Çil

    Last year, Google's brand value was 309,000 $, increased by 2%, and ranked number 3. Google subrogated number 4 in 2020.

  5. Ebru Çil

    In 2019, Visa's brand value was 177,918 $, increased by 22%, and ranked number 5. Visa does not lose its position.

  6. Ebru Çil

    Last year, Alibaba's brand value was 131,246 $, increased by 16%, and ranked number 7. Alibaba substituted to Facebook in 2020.

  7. Ebru Çil

    Last year, Tencent's brand value was 130,862 $, decreased by 27%, and ranked number 8. Tencent makes move huge in 2020 and raised number 7.

  8. Ebru Çil

    In 2019, Facebook's brand value was 158,968 $, decreased by 2%, and ranked number 6. Facebook's decreasing continues and regressed to number 8.

  9. Ebru Çil

    Last year, McDonald's brand value was 130,368 $, increased by 3%, and ranked number 9. McDonald's does not lose its position.

  10. Ebru Çil

    Last year, MasterCard brand value was 91,929 $, increased by 30%, and ranked number 12. MasterCard is substituted for AT&T and raised number 10.

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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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