Facebook Bans Coronavirus Face Mask Ads

1 min

Credit: NewsTrack

Facebook bans coronavirus face mask ads. Coronavirus is somebody's front burner around the world. Governments, companies, and brands published informative and remarkable ads about Coronavirus and protection from it. Even if some people see an opportunity in this situation and they sell medical masks in the black market. Unfortunately, this is happening in each crisis situation. Opportunists increase medical masks prices extraordinarily. Thankfully, Facebook does not ignore it. Because ın such a bad situation, Facebook bans coronavirus face mask ads to prevent malicious people from selling masks for more price than they were. Begin with, Facebook allowed publishing free advertisements to the World Health Organization for obviating wrong informing. At present, Facebook shares a tweet about banning ads and commerce selling medical masks. Its aim prevents exploiting people's virus fear and forestall to give wrong information with these sales and ads. Facebook's decision was appreciated by many. People can shop more reliably and if all companies block such malicious campaigns.

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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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