6 All-Time Best Family-Oriented Ads

1 min

Which ads do you remember the most? Which ads did your heart touch? Firstly, our marketers have taught “marketing is the art of touching the heart” by our mentors or teachers. Brands that know this well, use in their advertisements. If an advertisement makes us laugh, we will remember the ad and brand for a long time. If an advertisement makes us cry, and again we will remember the ad and brand for a long time. Especially, family-oriented ads affect more than other ads to consumers. We see or will want to be part of us these ads. So, we selected the all-time best family-oriented advertisements for you. Let’s see, will these ads touch your heart?

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  1. 1 Nationale-Nederlanden

    Nationale Nederlanden created wonderful and funny ad. Insurance companies generally publish formal and  more informative ads. But this ad is funny and creative. Ad theme is  vivid and colorful. In the ad begining, people do not expect to ad about insurance, they think this ad about entertainment sector. 

  2. 2 McDonald's

    When we think a family picture, all family members occurs from biological family. All of members is happy. But we do not think second marriages and these family's problems. McDonald's remembered this situation and shows us, get good between stepfather and son relationship.

  3. 3 Old Spice

    Especially some mothers that do not accept, their sons grow up. According to the mothers, their sons are still child. Old spice ad shows us clearly this situation. This ad is very funny 😄. 

  4. 4 Bernas

    Bernas' ad is so much emotional. Maybe you ask "How much emotional ad can a rice brand create?". This ad is answer this question. In this ad, the dad-son relationship represented well.

  5. 5 Hovis

    Children  do not  sometimes  know parents' problems and living conditions. In this ad, a son experienced father's worklife, challenges. The dad-son relationship got strong. Hovis shows us, knows this life's challenges and supports the families.

  6. 6 Coca Cola

    Coca Cola ads generally use family-themed. Each ad's theme is different, hedonistic. Previously, Coca Cola's mascot was polar bear. Polar bear family ads are sweet, friendly, and soft. Even this family's short movie is published. If you want to watch this movie, you will click here.

    Credit: trendhunter.com

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