Five Condiments That Are Sure to Spice up Your Ads

Get out of that box and into your spice cabinet because these are five condiments that are going to spice up your ads and leave an aftertaste. 1 min

Hey guys! Are you interested in creative products that are advertised at the same time? 😀 Today,  we are here to share some of the condiments to spice up your ads. Let’s get started! 😀

  1. 1 Be Punny

    Puns don't have to be funny. When incorporated like this ad for littering, it makes you stop and think.

  2. 2 Be Dimensional

    Play with flexibility. Don't do the ordinary, instead discover different textures and shapes.

  3. 3 Play with Perception

    You don't have to go out of your way to make an ad stand out.

    Watch your surroundings, see how you can add and alter. This travel agency ad looks simplistic and effortless, but it's in fact carried with such creativity and imagination. 

  4. 4 Humanize Objects and Animals

    Giving emotion, movement, behavior, LIFE to objects or animals is a brilliant way to convey your message - like in this ad for topical acne medication. Both the acne and the cream has facial expressions, and who’s going to win is very clear. 😉

  5. 5 Play with Faces, Bodies and Objects

    It entices your target and current customers. It's quizzical and lighthearted like this bag.

Topic: Five Condiments That Are Sure to Spice up Your Ads

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Fatima Awada

A marketing student at the Lebanese American University. Believes life is a creative process and is also an aspiring creative director. Future content creator maven. For features/inquires: [email protected]

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