How To Become A VSCO Girl In 5 Steps

1 min

Hi potential VSCO Girl,

First of all, we need to explain to those who do not know the VSCO girl. VSCO term is coming from the VSCO application. This trend’s beginning, some girls began using to VSCO app for their image. These girls have typical characteristics that are eco-friendly, natural, and free. We can say they are a sub-group. Also, their behavior influences their social environment. VSCO girls reflect their features like this in their behavior, clothing, and images. They use Hydroflask and metal straw because of avoiding plastic materials. In this way, they do no harm to ecology. Also, they use eco-friendly cosmetic products. Their clothes based on comfortability (over-size t-shirts etc.) and reflects nature. Herewith we prepared 5 steps to be the VSCO Girl. Let’s begin… Don’t forget to follow Marketing Birds to avoid missing out on similar shares. IG: @marketingbirds

  1. 1 You can use an eco-friendly flask that does not include plastic like Hydroflask...

  2. 2 You can complete your style with comfortable hair ties.

  3. 3 A shell necklace is important for your style. The part of nature is with you!


  4. 4 Of course, you do not forget a comfortable bag like Kanken.


  5. 5 You need comfortable shoes for casual walks. Sandals & Crocs...


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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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