How Well Do You Understand The Ads? – Types Of Ads

1 min

Every day we see a lot of ads, some may catch our eye and some may leave us thinking of the message behind it. However not every ad is the same, here are the different types of ads so you can catch the techniques for the next time.

  1. 1 Analogy

    Analogy means comparing one thing to another. Here we are comparing the hot ketchup to a hot pepper.

  2. 2 The Reversal

    The reversal means reversing something and here we see the reversal behaviour of a cat behaving like a dog.

  3. 3 Elimination

    We eliminated the battery and replaced it with a heart to represent the life long lasting battery.

  4. 4 Combination

    We are combining two items, a grenade and a perfume to represent the slogan " Prepare for the Battle"

  5. 5 Exageration

    The concept of vegetables being scary is exaggerated as they turned a bunch of vegetables into a monster and the ketchup is supposed to make it less scary and tastier.

  6. 6 Literal

    Babybel promises 98% pure milk so we see a bottle of milk in the pocket of the lady instead of the small product itself.

  7. 7 Substitution

    For a Back to School ad, Mcdonalds substituted their famous box of fries with pencils in the shape of the box of fries.

  8. 8 Testimonial

    This is a testimonial ad by Pantene, which means getting a celebrity endorse the brand by giving their good review/testimonial about it.

Topic: Types Of Ads

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Pauline Khalil

She is studying Marketing & Advertising at Saint Joseph University and perusing her masters in Communication and Product Development. She's passionate about her major and loves creativity. Please don't hesitate to contact her if you would like to show your creative work, say Hello via email.

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