Pack Up! 7 Creative Hotel Ads!

Holiday season is nearby, and everybody is planning their vacations checking out the hotels already! We collected some of the most creative hotel ads just for you! 1 min

Hola travelers! After possibly the longest winter of our lives, we are beginning to feel the summer bloom in this hemisphere. This also means, we are planning our holidays, and hotels are offering us their most creative ads. Before COVID-19, the sector was trying harder to convince customers to choose them, but now many people are so bored that even the deadly virus won’t be able to hold them back. Convincing won’t be that difficult anymore, but there’s still a struggle as it’s a highly competitive market. Creative Hotel Ads! Don’t forget to follow Marketing Birds to avoid missing out on similar shares. IG: @marketingbirds

Let’s look at their endeavor to catch your attention!

  1. 1 Meliá Hotels

    Tango: the dance of passion and love... How could you better demonstrate “doing your job with passion?” In this print ad designed by Turkel advertising, we are seeing a team that sees every occupation as another dance partner they gladly dance with. What a creative campaign!

  2. 2 Etap Hotel

    This print ad created by Young and Rubicam comes up with many versions, all to let you know: no matter how bad your day was, as soon as you walk into one of our rooms, the most exciting and beautiful moments of your day.

  3. 3 Hotel Camino Real

    “Too many stories in every corner,” as an ad written by Labase, has a very creative yet basic story. In every corner of the hotel, there’s history written, making up a book-worth collection of experience. What an original work!

  4. 4 Rove La Mer

    Created by Eleven777 for Rove Hotels, this ad takes a creative stand as the bridge between the city and the sea. The comfort of the bed turns into the cold surf waves, attracting you to stay “where the surf meets the city.”

  5. 5 Mandarin Oriental

    London Advertising presents you with a creative ad that even meets the brand’s logo. As they are “perfect for a celebration,” and “perfect for a short break,” they show us their accessibility. They are expecting to have you for your celebrations!

  6. 6 Crowne Plaza

    They worked with Avraham Adv. to present you with two creative ads: “you need new memories” and “vacation marks.” The first point out they know how bored we need new photographs and memories. The vacation mark reminds us of that warm feeling of holiday experience we forgot.

  7. 7 Hilton

    “Stay Hilton.” An intense and confident approach, telling us they know the power of its name and image. No matter where you are in the world, Mexico, China, or any other place, “stay Hilton, go everywhere.” They are promising the same high-class service.

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Birsen Kargın

Graduated in Business Administration and Management from Ege University. Greatly interested in creative advertisement and green marketing. Aspires to make a positive difference in the world, working on projects that positively impact people's lives and create change.

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