9 Amazing Examples of QR Codes in Marketing

1 min

QR Codes are providing quirky opportunities for marketers. They can pop up everywhere, and the good ones make people smile. In this post, we collected 8 amazing examples of QR codes in marketing. As a bonus, you will also have an interesting one at the end! 😅👇  (Gif Credit: Giphy – William Wolfgang Wunderbar). Don’t forget to follow Marketing Birds to avoid missing out on similar shares. IG: @marketingbirds.

  1. 1 Mascots With Qr Codes

  2. 2 Pizza Digitale - Sholtz & Friends Agency

    Sholtz & Friends Agency uses this pizza to hire creative people.

  3. 3 A QR Code With 1500 Drones - Shanghai, China

  4. 4 QR Code Buildings

    Samantha Cliffe

  5. 5 Qkies - Edible QR Codes

  6. 6 Keychain - Business Card

    Dream Design - Dimitri Kobzar

  7. 7 QR Code Portraits

    Niteesh Yadav

  8. 8 Digital Resume

  9. 9 QR Code Crochet


  10. 10 BONUS: A QR Code On Gravestone!

    ZDNet (the link is embedded in the QR code)

    Yes, that's interesting! Some people want visitors to know more about themselves.

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