This Award Winning Ad Uses a QR Code Technology Ads

QR Code Technology Ads were created by Frankfurt Zoo.1 min

QR Code Technology Ads are developing day by day. Zoo Frankfurt uses this technology ads and surprises the readers of its magazine! 👇😎 This is called as QR Code Marketing. Let’s have look this interesting QR Marketing Video altogether! 😀

Of course QR Code Technology Ads are developing day by day; however, it is going to be one of the best ads’ helper that might be recognized by firms all around the world.
Furthermore, QR Technology is widely used in different fields such as education purposes, food and textile industry. What do you think? Is this a good example of QR Marketing? 😀

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Instagram is the way of showing your vacation, holiday, and meals that you have. Nowadays people use more this app to share their social life and experiences that they’ve had. Furthermore, the companies realized the value of Instagram advertising and they’ve started to be part of this world as well. Do you think that brands should use Instagram as well? 🙂 Let us know! 😀


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