Panera Monthly Coffee Subscription!

1 min

Who wants to drink unlimited coffee for $ 8.99 a month? Panera Monthly Coffee Subscription. Are you? Okay, then you’re in the right post. The members of the MyPanera loyalty program offer hot and cold coffee or tea for $ 108 a year or $ 9 a month. Moreover, not only once a day, you can create a new order every two hours. Considering that coffee is only $ 2.20 in Panera stores, monthly members will make a profit. Panera Monthly Coffee Subscription.
It also does not forget to attract the attention of its customers in the Panera Rewards application. It reminds customers that they can drink unlimited coffee for a month.

Yes, everything sounds so good? So why is Panera doing this? Panera CEO Niren Chaudhary said that “We are the first brand to do it, and we’re super excited about that. We feel that this is a terrific way to get consumers more interested in not only in our coffee platform but also for them to get exposed to the strength of the food that we have in our cafes, particularly around breakfast.” The CEO actually explained what they were aiming for.

Panera Bread Creating A Subscription System!

Panera Bread creates a working membership system like Netflix and Spotify. Panera also aims to offer a lunch-based subscription system for working parents and their children. In addition, its menu is now available not only in coffee but also in other options. 

In addition to coffee, it aims to raise interest in breakfast. A month ago Panera Bread offered free My Panera + Coffee to everyone who signed up for the Panera online app during Labor Day. Panera makes strides in gaining customer loyalty. In the same sector will increase competition among other brands.

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Yaren Dura

She is studying business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes writing about creative ads, packaging design and guerrilla marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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