6 Creative Chocolate Designs & Pokemon Valentine’s Day Chocolate

1 min

We are so bad, aren’t we? Your mouth became watery because of this chocolate. Usually, we can not wait for it. Especially women. Pokemon and Matsukazeya must have thought the same way as us. Because they produced and promoted Pokemon Chocolate for Valentine’s Day. Let’s take a quick look. Creative chocolate designs! Don’t forget to follow Marketing Birds to avoid missing content like this.  IG: @marketingbirds


Pokemon collaborated with Matsukazeya and produce Pokemon chocolates. Pokemon make us feel our childhood. When people see or buy Pokemon chocolates, they will go back to their childhood. Also, Valentine's Day theme focus on emotions, and this collaboration wants to arrive at this goal. We also collected other creative chocolate designs for you.

  1. 1 Face of the World

    Face of the World. This chocolate idea is perfectly ideal for celebrating diversity. Sometimes you didn't need to say extra something because of explaining everything with the design. Make a long story short: We are the same. Only our color is different.

  2. 2 Palace Hotel Tokyo

    Your palette is bitter chocolate and the tube is nut butter. This was a dream and the Palace Hotel Tokyo made it real. 

  3. 3 Color Chocolate

    Shortly before, we had got a chocolate palette, nut butter, and chocolate brush. Right now, we have a chocolate color. The dream became perfectly real.  This color chocolate was designed by Nendo. This chocolate inside syrup. Basic but effective.

  4. 4 Planet Chocolate

    If someone eats this chocolate, you can say "You ate whole planets". And it is true. These chocolates were sold by Righa Royal Hotel. Well, how does the planet chocolates taste? 

    • Mercury - coconut mango
    • Venus - cream lemon
    • Earth - cacao
    • Mars - orange praline
    • Jupiter - vanilla
    • Saturn - rum raisin
    • Uranus - milk tea
    • Neptune - cappuccino

    Credit: Spoon Tamago

  5. 5 Chocolatexture

    These chocolates were created by Nendo. All of the chocolate sizes are the same but the shapes are different.  These chocolates are a mirror of Japon's style and philosophy. Effective, modern, and simple.

  6. 6 Mr Chocolate

    Diego Ramos Studio designed Mr. Chocolate. Everyone can fall in love with Mr. Chocolate. Age doesn't matter. Mr. Chocolate makes them feel like children, funny, and friendly.


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