9 Products That’ll Make You Say “Shut Up and Take My Money!”

Get your wallet ready and say goodbye to some dollars!1 min

Sometimes we are talked into buying a certain product because it has been marketed so well that we can’t help ourselves. And in some cases, the product speaks for itself and we don’t even think twice before buying it.

Here is a list of 9 products that’ll make you say:

Have fun! 😄
  1. 1 This Big Enter Key

    Mondays are tough but so are the other days of the week. Work gets stressful at times. At least with this huge pillow that you can connect with your computer, you can send emails with the force they deserve, and only you would know how hard you punched the pillow! 🤫

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  2. 2 This Heat Bag Sealer

    Do you need a little contraption that will seal up your Chips bag like new every time? Not really. Should you buy it anyway? Of course! Not only it'll preserve the quality of the chips but you'll get to hear that "pop" sound every time you open the bag and that alone is worth the money, right? 😋

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  3. 3 This Watermelon Slicer

    Slicing a watermelon can be challenging sometimes, but it doesn't have to be! This slicer will cut your watermelon prep time by so much and will leave with plenty of time to sit back and enjoy its sweet taste 🤤

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  4. 4 This Portable Pizza Pouch

    Having easy access to pizza at all times? I don't know about you but my fellow pizza lovers would surely love this! 🍕

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  5. 5 This Selfie Toaster

    Let’s eat a selfie! You don’t have to be famous or Jesus to have your face on toast! 😋

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  6. 6 Bigfoot Shoes

    What's more fun than playing in the snow? Scaring your neighbors! LOL 😂

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  7. 7 Imitated Human Fire Pit Skull

    Trick your neighbors into thinking you're burning bodies with these Metal Skull-shaped Fire Stones 💀

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  8. 8 This Cozy Blanket that glows in the dark

    If you're a space lover and love glowy stuff in the dark, you'll definitely love this blanket 😍

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  9. 9 This Vibration Pillow

    Can you count the number of times you slept thought your alarm or your phone's battery died in the middle of the night? Yea me neither. With this pillow, you'll make sure you'll never be late anymore!

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Ghita Salouane

A marketing and finance student at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane (Morocco). Passionate about marketing and believes that everything you can imagine is real.

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