Game of Cones: 5 Delicious Ice Cream Ads We Picked For You

1 min

Summer is finally here and so is ice-cream season. Every flavor is a must to survive the hot weather. Ice-cream targets many generations, from children to their elders, therefore advertising it is crucial to increase sales specially when annoucing new flavors or when it’s just a reminder to stay the top of mind. Here are 5 ads created by ice-cream brands.

  1. 1 Blue Bunny - The Peak of Attraction

    The peak of attraction. That's a mountain we are all willing to move - and eat -

  2. 2 Daity - The Best Come From Natures

    What you see is what you get. Daity promises you high-quality pure milk ice-cream.

  3. 3 La Best - Pure Fruity Flavor

    A scoop of fruit. La best promises a pure fruity flavor.

    [quads id=8]

  4. 4 Häagen-Dazs - We Show No Mercy

    Häagen-Dazs has no mercy for our hearts and displays their perfect flavors.

  5. 5 Magnum - Temptation

    Magnum is just an explosion of flavor in your mouth, from the chocolate to the milk to the fruit, it's just so tempting.

  6. 6 BONUS: Puremilk Ice-cream

    This one has the same message with the second ad: "Pure Milk" - but this might get some negative reactions from animal lovers!

Topic: Ice Cream Ads 

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Pauline Khalil

She is studying Marketing & Advertising at Saint Joseph University and perusing her masters in Communication and Product Development. She's passionate about her major and loves creativity. Please don't hesitate to contact her if you would like to show your creative work, say Hello via email.

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