14 Incredibly Creative And Cool KitKat Ads

1 min

I guess Ross and Rachel were discussing KitKat while quarreling about being on a break. What do you think, were they on a break? Were they not? Maybe they should have just grabbed a KitKat and the problem could have been solved. Because, what is better than this chocolaty wafer?

Oh, wait, maybe it Kitkat Ads.  Below given is a list of 14 creatively designed KitKat Ads:

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  1. 1 Free No WiFi Zone

    This advertisement made by JWT asks us to take an actual break - a break from tags, like, updates and emails and hence created a wifi-free zone so as to encourage people to slow down, take a break, and a deep breath. 

  2. 2 Don't Just Wait

    This creative has been made by Hesham Ali which depicts the game we all play while we are either on break or our internet is not working. 

  3. 3 The Break You Need

    This extremely different creative is made by Azad Rawat which really depicts the break we all need.

  4. 4 Break Accordingly

    This extremely creative advertisement has been made by Reese Carpenter who's promoting the idea of breaking toxic work culture norms.

  5. 5 Pause

    This creative ad encourages us to take a break both literally and metaphorically. 

  6. 6 Have A Seat

    Have a seat, take some time off from your busy schedule, and have a KitKat. 

  7. 7 Be A Christmas Breaker

    This cherry-red advertisement was made by Blink BTL Lebanon in 2016 for Nestle's campaign passing the vibe of taking a break from the hustle-bustle of life and celebrate. 

  8. 8 Study - Sleep - Repeat

    If this isn't revolutionizing college life depiction then what is?

  9. 9 Walk While Eating

    What a creative visualization! Finish a KitKat as you get on another floor. 

  10. 10 Break Up For Make Up

    A KitKat or a makeup pallette? What if both?

  11. 11 Relax For A While - Have A Break

    Relax for a while, sit down, have a deep breath and of course a KitKat.

  12. 12 Break Ups - Ouch!

    A break-up? Must be tough. Have a KitKat, might soothe the pain and give an adrenaline rush. 

  13. 13 Have A Sigh Of Relief

    Have a sigh of relief and take some time off. You deserve it!

  14. 14 Office Hour Break

    Hectic work? Take a break!

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Pooja Aggarwal

Having a keen interest in creative writing, Pooja Aggarwal is currently pursuing her UG from University of Delhi.

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