PepsiCo Introduces The New Name Of Relaxation: Driftwell

2 min

Sleep problems, anxiety, and stress increased in recent months due to the COVID pandemic. Distancing measures to prevent the spread of the virus can make people feel more stressed and anxious. In this context, PepsiCo, the multinational that distributes drinks and snacks, such as Pepsi or Lay’s, announced the launch of “Driftwell”, a new drink that would improve the quality of sleep and help to relax fighting the symptoms of stress.

This project started before the pandemic, said Emily Silver, vice president of innovation and capabilities for PepsiCo Beverages North America. “I think we are launching it at a time when consumer interest is greater than before, given everything that is happening from a macro perspective,” she said.

According to PepsiCo, relaxation and stress control is a lifestyle shift, this is the reason why Driftwell has special importance for the producers and consumers.

Driftwell is a calorie-free drink sold in 220 ml cans with the slogan “Sip into Relax”. It is flavored with a hint of lavender and blackberry. However, the relaxing properties of this product are due to two of its ingredients: L-theanine and Magnesium. According to CNBC, the Driftwell went on sale last December.

The launch of this second “chamomile” is part of a market trend in the demand for more healthy foods and drinks. Carbonated drinks, which has a lot sugar, are starting to be viewed with suspicion, especially in countries like the United States where there are many obesity problems. Therefore, one of the goals of Driftwell is to change consumers’ minds that a carbonated drink should be replaced with a non-carbonated drink that is not only free of sugar and calories but also very relaxing.

Furthermore, excessive consumption of caffeine, with the repercussions on sleep (because of the pace of life and the constant use of smartphones and tablets), may not seem as attractive as it once did. PepsiCo’s bet is that the solution to a good rest lies in a sip of Driftwell.

Driftwell is the beginning of a new era when it comes to beverages. Is this formula going to be successful? Time will tell. Don’t forget to follow Marketing Birds to avoid missing out on similar shares. IG: @marketingbirds

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Armela Tusha

- Student of Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, Poland. -Studying Public Relations, Marketing & New Media.

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