5 Effective Greenpeace Advertisements With Latest Broadcasted Turtle Journey Ad

1 min

Greenpeace is one of the predominant organizations for saves and protects the world. Greenpeace succeeds in a lot of projects about nature, environment, animals… Greenpeace’s latest ad has attracted many people’s attention. This ad’s theme is the danger of species extinction, especially turtle life space. Let’s watch ads.

Topic: Greenpeace Advertisements

Turtle Journey

While the turtle family goes home, they do not notice alterations until their journey. Sea starts to be polluted like plastic waste, drill for oil... But the turtle family's only thinking is their safe home. Unfortunately, they go wrong. Greenpeace emphasizes marine pollution. Marine life's boundaries are narrowing. Sea creatures' living space is destroyed. This ad is a great example of this problem. Greenpeace does many projects like this ad. We compile Greenpeace's other projects for you.

  1. 1 Don't Suck The Life From Our Oceans

    Oceans full plastic waste. Unfortunately, many marine creatures grow up with plastic waste. Their bodies become deformed. This ad is creative, sets people thinking. Aim rides people about throwing garbage in the sea, pollution to oceans... Greenpeace warns people for the end.

  2. 2 Is This Trash Yours?

    Sea harbor variety of marine creatures besides trashes, plastics, toothbrushes, wheels, bags... Which of these things yours? Natural take increases in the ad's effects. People feel at the time of the incident. 

  3. 3 No More Fish

    Greenpeace ad is simple, creative. The emphasis of red lines, words are attractive at a white background. This ad is informative so people confront one another to marine pollution.

  4. 4 Is This The Footprint We Want To Leave?

    What do you want to leave behind? What do you want for your children's future? Greenpeace's question is good and proper for this situation. Footprint's form consists of plastic wastes and forest destruction in this ad. Well, how big is this the footprint you want to leave?

  5. 5 Save The Fish Before It's Too Late!

    The message is clear. Fishes constitute a skull. If not you want to fishes' death, you contribute to save the oceans. 

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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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