Porsche Has Just Released a New Ad: “The Heist”

1 min

Porsche is one of the leading brands that affect the automotive world. Porsche is generally famous for their models’ high speed, sportive designs, classic appearance and surely engine sound. 

Due to technological improvements in automotive industry, Porsche has started to use turbo to get better results, yet this effected their engine sound negatively. Porsche has nothing to do with these improvements. Technology doesnt take a break and keep moving on! 

Porsche Taycan doesn’t even have a sound due to having an electric engine, which is quite powerful. Moreover, there are a lot of technological options that lead this car to digitalsation. Today, we are here to share an amazing advertisement that reminds us fast and furious! Let’s watch it together! 🙂

Topic: Porsche Taycan Electric Vehicle (EV)

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Kaan Kaval

SEO Manager of Marketing Birds. Marketing Student at Akdeniz University. Extremely motivated to share marketing campaigns, constantly develop my skills and grow professionally.

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