Valentine’s Day Ads Which Is 5 Original Idea!

1 min

Voila! That day is coming… Some women are excited. Maybe men are mindful. Some people say I become self-sufficient. How do you feel about Valentine's Day? Brands encourage creative, attractive advertisements because of Valentine's Day's effect on people. Some advertisements come into prominence than others. We choose some ads for you. Let's get started. Don't forget to visit Marketing Birds to keep up-to-date shares of this type

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Credit: Boomerang Official/Giphy

  1. 1 Thigh Sake!

    KFC targets our hearts as it always has been. Advertisement conveys a message for Valentine's Day like Valentine's Day color, thighs heart, an atmosphere of hot. 

  2. 2 We 📚 You

    People sometimes express their love by showing that they think on the other side. The other side's likings, eagerness to buy are important for this.

  3. 3 Will You Eat Big Mac With Me?

    Mc Donald's shows the difference from others. According to us, Big Mac is a diamond, isn't it? The background is white, and only Big Mac is forefront. This is brilliant.

  4. 4 We Just Writed To Say...

    Vodafone shows your love is obvious and Vodafone has lots of communicating options. 

  5. 5 Lovers On The Nissan

    Nissan also thinks of you when it is high time for you to celebrate valentine's 🥰


Happy Valentine's Day ❤❤❤

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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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