The Best “Dolly Parton Challenge” by Famous Brands

1 min

Firstly, “The Dolly Parton Challenge”, where Dolly Parton, the 74-year-old celebrated American singer and shared four of her pictures. For four different social media platforms. LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram, and Tinder. After that,  Dolly Parton’s sharing was trending minutes later. Many people are sharing their version of the Dolly Parton Challenge.


  1. 1 KitKat 🍫

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  2. 2 Haribo 🍭

    Notice: Undefined index: html in /home/themarket/public_html/wp-content/plugins/zombify/includes/embeds/embed.php on line 110

  3. 3 Terra Pizza 🍕

    Notice: Undefined index: html in /home/themarket/public_html/wp-content/plugins/zombify/includes/embeds/embed.php on line 110

  4. 4 Subway 🥖

    Notice: Undefined index: html in /home/themarket/public_html/wp-content/plugins/zombify/includes/embeds/embed.php on line 110

  5. 5 Nissan 🚘

  6. 6 Burger King 🍔

    Notice: Undefined index: html in /home/themarket/public_html/wp-content/plugins/zombify/includes/embeds/embed.php on line 110

  7. 7 McDonalds's 🍟

    Notice: Undefined index: html in /home/themarket/public_html/wp-content/plugins/zombify/includes/embeds/embed.php on line 110

  8. 8 MTV 🎧

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How Famous Brands React To This Challenge?

This trend explains how people perceive social media platforms. How they define themselves in these platforms. There was also a great opportunity for marketers. Famous brands started to join this trend quickly. Famous brands inspired by Dolly Parton shared their social media posts in their own style. they quickly adapted to this trend. Do you want to see more examples of this challenge? You can see different examples by typing The Dolly Parton Challenge on Google or clicking here!

So, don’t forget to follow Marketing Birds to be aware of such challenges.

Here, we picked the best ones for you !

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Yaren Dura

She is studying business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes writing about creative ads, packaging design and guerrilla marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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