Coronavirus Messages Insıde Videogames Stay At Home

Ad hoc advertisements are spreading the message of the importance of staying at home against Coronavirus outbreak, appearing within the virtual environment of games.1 min

Coronavirus Insıde Videogames. In any possible way, it's fundamental to advise and reach the population. About measures and rules to battle Coronavirus around the world. Coronavirus Insıde Videogames

Newzoo reports there were 2.47 billion gamers in the world by the end of 2019, with a 5.9% Year-on-Year increase. 2020 figures are forecasted to reach 2.6 billion gamers. That will earn the global games market an estimated $165 billion. Coronavirus Insıde Videogames.

Activision Blizzard, Codemasters, and Rebellion.  Among the biggest companies of the sector, are teaming up with the government for Public Health England's and "Stay Home Save Lives" campaign on games. Like Candy Crush Saga, Sniper Elite 4, Strange Brigade, and Dirt Rally 2.0.

So Ad hoc advertisements are spreading the message of the importance of staying at home. Appearing within the virtual environment of games.

"Many people spend hundreds of hours in computer games," said Jason Kingsley, Rebellion CEO and president of the Tiga commercial entity. "And in this case, we thought we could help the company by reminding people of their obligations to others… "

On you can find a list of free games that will help you relax and pass time at home.

King (a company best known for Candy Crush) is showing adverts on Farm Heroes Saga and also donated 230 digital advertising screens that it had booked to publish information related to the coronavirus. Coronavirus Messages Insıde Videogames.
King partnered also with WHO to help encourage all players to #PlayApartTogether, offering unlimited lives across most of our games until 5th April.

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Matteo Villa

Nice to e-meet you i'm Matteo Villa, 24y from Milan, Italy. I‘m passionate and keen on digital media world and I’m currently working as Head of International and Social Media in a dance music company named EGO Music ( after my graduation in Media Languages at UCSC Milan (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) with a thesis about the revolution of daily life with the streaming in entertainment and information. Since 2012 I’m developing the Italian dance/electronic network youBEAT ( with a team of young editors and reporters and collaboration with international radio, events and festivals. I use to daily check website like Socialbakers, Statista, Visual Capitalist, HowMuch and more marketing/digital platforms in order to discover and understand news, stats and trends through the infographics and visuals.

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