The 2020 Burger From Burger King

1 min

Burger King did it again. Before Moldy Whopper and now The 2020 burger. Maybe you know, Burger King created Moldy Whopper for awareness and emphasizing the brand’s healthy burger. We asked: Is this idea good or bad? The result is, most people remember the ad so we accept this is a success. And now David Brazil Agency created The 2020 burger that has a bad appearance and content like Moldy Whopper. Everything began with a question. This question;

Firstly Burger King Brazil asked, “What if 2020 were a sandwich?” Answers specified The 2020 burger. You may wonder the burger what is inside. You can follow below.

2020 Burger Recipe
-Burnt bread
-Scarlet eggplant
-Chicken feet

(Of course, this burger only made for this ad.)




Do you familiar with these terms? Of course, we can use them to describe 2020. David Brazil Agency emphasized them in Burger King ad. This ad includes consumers' reactions to 2020 and this year of the burger. Well, where these terms come from? The agency used other brands' surveys as a base and also created a burger that is called "The 2020".

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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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