Burger King’s Moldy Whopper Advertisement Idea – Is It Good Or Bad?

1 min

Burger King was taken a healthy step this year. Burger King came up with an explanation about healthy Whoppers. This explanation is; Whopper will not contain artificial preservatives, flavor, and color. Burger King shows us this decision with an advertisement. The advertisement opens with Whopper's first day. Then Whopper starts to decay day by day. And finally, Whopper becomes putrid in 34. day. Let's watch Burger King's ad.

Maybe you know McDonald's' burger and fries that remain unchanged just like a first day although it is 20 years old. In contrast in Burger King's ad shows us nature beauty. This beauty is underwhelming but it is a true decision. Experts have a different opinion for Burger King's ad. Some experts think the ad is brilliant and eye-opening. This ad is a good example of other fast-food restaurants. Some experts think ads are catchy and this advertisement's view is awful. When consumers see a Whopper, they think this view and go away from Burger King.

  1. What do you think about Burger King's advertisement?

    1. It is amazing.
    2. It is awful.
    33 votes
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