The Best “$120.000 Art Banana” Memes Shared by Brands 🍌

1 min

Have you seen the Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan’s latest art piece, called “Comedian”? Also known as “$120000 Art Banana”. 🍌😃 It was a real, edible banana taped to a wall; and it was a part of an exhibit at Art Basel Miami Beach. Actually, I say “was” on purpose, because this piece of art does not alive right now.

Another artist David Datuna ate the banana in the exhibit, and he said that he did it to create another art performance called “Hungry Artist”.  While lots of fun was happening out there, the brands joined the conversation with their products. Here, we picked the best ones for you. 😃👇

  1. 8 Pepsi

  2. 7 Barbie Style

    Notice: Undefined index: html in /home/themarket/public_html/wp-content/plugins/zombify/includes/embeds/embed.php on line 110

  3. 6 A Creative Local Store 😉🎄

  4. 5 Carrefour

    Notice: Undefined index: html in /home/themarket/public_html/wp-content/plugins/zombify/includes/embeds/embed.php on line 110

    "With our organic products, culinary art is within reach of all." 🙃

  5. 4 Perrier

    Notice: Undefined index: html in /home/themarket/public_html/wp-content/plugins/zombify/includes/embeds/embed.php on line 110

  6. 3 Royal Canadian Mint

    Just added the Canadian $2 coin, so it's $120,002 now. 😃💰

  7. 2 McDonald's Puerto Rico

    These ad series are designed by TBWA for McDonald's Puerto Rico.

  8. 1 Burger King France and Heinz Brasil

    Buger King's post was smart; Heinz's response was even smarter! 😉😎

Topic: $120.000 art banana

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İsmail Erkan

Founder of Marketing Birds. Lecturer at Izmir Katip Celebi University. He did his PhD in digital marketing at Brunel University London.

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