Time for Voting! Which City’s Christmas Market was the Best in 2019?

1 min

Hey guys! We, as Marketing Birds Team, hope that you had a great year in 2019. In December, most people went to Christmas Markets to meet their friends, relatives and bought drinks and lots of foods. 😀 What is your favorite Christmas Markets in Europe? 🙂

In Europe, the Christmas Markets look very similar but there are some differences in terms of drinks and foods, design and other materials. Today, we are here to share some of the best Christmas Markets in Europe. Let’s get started! 🙂 

Please do not forget to vote the X-mas markets! 😀 Thank you!

Topic: Best Christmas Markets in Europe

  1. Basel - Switzerland Christmas Market

    This Christmas Market seem quite nice and calm. You should definitely visit there if you will stay in Switzerland for  couple days. 

    1. 5 - Perfect
    2. 4 - Very Good
    3. 3 - Good
    4. 2 - Not that Good
    5. 1 - No Comment
    12 votes
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  2. Stockholm's Christmas Market

    Stockholm's Cristmas Market is another opportunity that seems so sweet! 😀 

    1. 5 - Perfect
    2. 4 - Very Good
    3. 3 - Good
    4. 2 - Not that Good
    5. 1 - No Comment
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  3. Christmas Market in Amsterdam

    Amsterdam is quite popular city among the Europen cities. This city is also famous for their Christmas Market too! What do you think? 🙂

    1. 5 - Perfect
    2. 4- Very Good
    3. 3- Good
    4. 2- Not that Good
    5. 1- No Comment
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  4. X-Mas Time in Bratislava

    Bratislava is known as the center of Ryanair for Erasmus students, right? 😀 Thanks to its immense culture and popular activities, Bratislava is also famous for their Christmas Market as well. 😀

    1. 5- Perfect
    2. 4- Very Good
    3. 3- Good
    4. 2- Not that Good
    5. 1- No Comment
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  5. Christmas Market in Edinburgh

    Instead of London, Edinburgh seems a bit good option too, right? 😀 We would love to see your opinion as well! 🙂

    1. 5- Perfect
    2. 4- Very Good
    3. 3- Good
    4. 2- Not that Good
    5. 1- No Comment
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  6. Christmas Time in Budapest! 🙂

    Budapest is another good opportunity to visit and experience different tastes at the heart of middle Euope. 🙂

    1. 5- Perfect
    2. 4- Very Good
    3. 3- Good
    4. 2- Not that Good
    5. 1- No Comment
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  7. Christmas Time in Nuremberg! 🙂

    Nuremberg has very nice German atmosphere that you should definitely visit during the Christmas Time! 🙂

    1. 5- Perfect
    2. 4- Very Good
    3. 3- Good
    4. 2- Not that Good
    5. 1- No Comment
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  8. Strasbourg and Christmas Markets

    Thanks to the strategic location of Strasbourg, they have really nice and mixed culture that you should definitely experience there! 🙂

    1. 5- Perfect
    2. 4- Very Good
    3. 3- Good
    4. 2- Not that Good
    5. 1- No Comment
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  9. Christmas Time in Prague

    People generally visit Prague in Autmn or Spring seasons, yet people actually do not have an idea how beautiful Prague is during the Christmas Time. If you are planning to visit around Europe, you should definitely add your list here.

    1. 5- Perfect
    2. 4- Very Good
    3. 3- Good
    4. 2- Not that Good
    5. 1- No Comment
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  10. Salzburg's Christmas Market

    Salzburg's Christmas Market is one of the most popular Christmas Markets in the world. The market is quite big, offers a lot of foods and beverages that specifically belong to Austrian culture. If you have a chance to go there, you should definitely add your list this market too! 🙂

    1. 5- Perfect
    2. 4- Very Good
    3. 3- Good
    4. 2- Not that Good
    5. 1- No Comment
    7 votes
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Kaan Kaval

SEO Manager of Marketing Birds. Marketing Student at Akdeniz University. Extremely motivated to share marketing campaigns, constantly develop my skills and grow professionally.

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