Volkswagen Says “Goodbye” to Beetle Emotionally!

1 min

Hey guys! Volkswagen; namely German Car Manufacturer, finally says “goodbye” to Beetle which is their legendary iconic car model.  Volkswagen continued to manufacture this generation as of 2000s, but decided to stop it again. Thanks to this iconic car, many people learned to draw this model when somebody wants them to draw a car. Thanks to this model’s popularity, many of us or even our relatives had absolutely amazing memories with this car. We are sure about it! 🙂

In this emotional video, the car’s life story starts with a kid and the line grows up together. At the end of the video, everybody (including the kid) says good bye to this legendary Beetle / Käfer and VW’s first concept elecrtic model ID.3 appears. Let’s get started! 🙂

Video: Volkswagen Says “Goodbye” to Beetle

As the Journalist Dr. Seuss says : “Don’t Cry Because It’s Over; Smile Because It Happened” 🙂

BONUS POST: What do you think about VW ID.3? 🙂 Take a look!

Almost all the car manufacturers have started to work on electric cars due to sustainability and productivity reasons and it is also compulsory for VW to be part of the team in the world. We wish ID.3 all the best as Marketing Birds! 😀

Topic: Volkswagen Says “Goodbye” to Beetle

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Kaan Kaval

SEO Manager of Marketing Birds. Marketing Student at Akdeniz University. Extremely motivated to share marketing campaigns, constantly develop my skills and grow professionally.

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