10 Brilliant Super Bowl Ads in 2020

1 min

National Football League playoff is also called Super Bowl,  is hotly-anticipated every year. This year, Super Bowl is arranged in Miami on 2 February. Brands publish creative, sensitive ads for Super Bowl as it does every year. Brands pay $5.6 million for a 30-second ad. The exhibition encompassing the occasion, which comes full circle within the amazing half-time appears. Fervently expected and observed by millions around the world. With so numerous captive watchers sometime recently and amid. After the amusement, sponsors utilize the Super Bowl as a implies of raising mindfulness for their items. Be that as it may, this mindfulness and perceivability comes at a taken a toll. Since 2016 the normal cost of a 30-second TV promotion amid Super Bowl stood at around five million U.S. dollars.

Here you can find the commercial video for the Super Bowl!

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  1. 1 Cheetos

  2. 2 Kia

  3. 3 Pringles

  4. 4 Google

  5. 5 Hyundai

  6. 6 Microsoft

  7. 7 Little Caesars

  8. 8 Rocket Mortgage

  9. 9 Genesis

  10. 10 Amazon

  1. What is your favorite ad?

    1. Cheetos
    2. Kia
    3. Pringles
    4. Google
    5. Hyundai
    6. Microsoft
    7. Little Caesars
    8. Rocket Mortgage
    9. Genesis
    10. Amazon
    12 votes
    Share Your Result

Why do brands pay a high price?

Super Bowl was watched near 100 million viewers in 2019. Thus, brands prepare to meticulously their ads. 35 brands publish in Super Bowl ads this year. We compile 10 creative and sensitive Super Bowl ads. And then do not forget to choose your favorite ad from 10 Super Bowl ads.

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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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