Introduces New ” Pinterest Virtual Try-On” Feature

1 min

Youtube last year “Virtual Try-On” feature announced it is using. Now, Pinterest started using ” Pinterest Virtual Try-On”. This feature is currently only available for lipstick. Pinners will be able to virtually try on lipstick from brands such as Urban Decay, NYX, Sephora, Estée Lauder, and Lancôme. If you want to test this feature, you can first open the ‘Lens’ of Pinterest and search. Then you can try different colors of the lipstick by clicking the ‘Try’ button. You should swipe up to page buy from the product you like.
You don’t just need to use the ‘Lens’ to use the “Pinterest Virtual Try-On”  feature. While makeup and beauty is a topic that’s often featured on platforms like Instagram and YouTube. Pinterest is also a top destination for those who are shopping for beauty and personal care items. According to Pinterest, more than 52 million people search and engage with beauty content on its platform in the U.S. every month. If you want, you can write keywords about lipstick on the Pinterest search engine. If you want to be aware of such developments, you can follow Marketing Birds.

Also, Pinterest says it doesn't use filters to make your face look flawless. So you can easily buy the lipstick that you like it. Meanwhile, it is integrated with all skin tones of Pinterest. In this way, Pinners can choose lipsticks that match their skin tones.

For now, the 'Virtual Try-On' feature, which is only available to US users, has been released on Android and iOS mobile applications. In the future, the feature will be available to users on many platforms globally.

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Yaren Dura

She is studying business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes writing about creative ads, packaging design and guerrilla marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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