8 Creative Chocolate Packaging Design

1 min

A Note For Chocolate Lovers  

Everyone Loves Chocolate! But not only must have a high flavor, the appearance of a chocolate product should be supported by the design of the packaging. But when something creative is added things get so much better. To highlight some seriously creative chocolate packaging designs we curated some list of our favorites. Feel inspired and enjoy it! Speaking of chocolate, here you can reach 6  gorgeous guerrilla chocolate marketing Ideas! If you want to see more interesting packaging designs like these examples you can reach from here!


  1. 1 Chocolate Pizza

    This packaging and chocolate concept is very delightful. Each chocolate is round and is cut in six different slices with their own seasoning on top. Just slide out the chocolate pizza and enjoy it.

  2. 2 Tocantins Chocolate

    Tocantins chocolate was a limited edition creative chocolate packaging concept made for the World’s 50 Best Restaurants. The outer packaging is made out of recycled cardboard and on the inside lies the chocolate.

    It has a simple design but it is very effective.

  3. 3 Chocolate Mustaches

    The perfect gift for the beardless ones! 6 different models from 4 flavors = 24 ways to have a new mustache!

    It has a clever packaging design and seems very funny. People of all ages can want to buy these chocolates. What about your favorite chocolate mustaches?

  4. 4 Chocolate Paint

    This one is simply amazing. This is the most creative chocolate design. The project is made by Nendo in Japan. 

    Chocolates look like oil paint. Each color shows a different flavor.
    These chocolates are filled with cream. How can we not love this?

  5. 5 A Different Type of Easter Egg

    Who said Easter eggs should be shaped like normal eggs? Why not an egg sandwich in this fun concept? It's a different type of Easter egg more fantastic and delicious.

  6. 6 Squeezable Truffles

    This chocolate truffle packaging is creative. Instead of placing the truffles in a regular box with a lid, the box is folded so it can be squeezed together. That way, the truffles are protected in the packaging and still easily accessible. The squeezebox concept developed for Auberge du Soleil Napa Valley is 100% recyclable.

  7. 7 Pantone Chocolate

    The ‘Chocolate PANTONE’ by BLOCD is made with designers in mind. At a quick look, it looks just like one but once you slide it open there is a collection of chocolates in different shades of chocolate instead. From the white to the darkest.

  8. 8 The Fox with The Golden Fur

     "Each year we start from scratch to create a fully original artwork that is both cultural snapshot and talent showcase. “The Fox With the Golden Fur”. This is a chocolate package. Also a storybook. There are pictures of the story on each chocolate package. There is double happiness in this package. Because we can both eat chocolate and read stories. This design looks incredibly creative. 😍

1-) Importance Of Chocolate Package Design

Chocolate lovers before the taste of chocolate, the packaging of chocolate affects it ! A well-designed packaging increases attractiveness. Now let’s take a look at the well-designed packaging of a few brands that have achieved this very well.

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Yaren Dura

She is studying business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes writing about creative ads, packaging design and guerrilla marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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