More Eco-Friendly Whopper, Sustainable Burger King

1 min

Hi Eco-Friends,

We have a great news for you. Burger King started to serve Reduced Methane Whopper, Eco-Friendly Whopper! Well, what is the Reduced Methane Whopper? Burger King started to change some cows’ diet that added lemongrass. The goal is, Burger Kings’ process will save from climate change’s negative effects like methane. Burger King believes to provide reducing 33% methane emission this process’s final. Reduce Methane Whopper menü occurred with these meats. Let’s watched this ad.

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"Since we are part of the problem, we are working to be part of the solution".

Burger King explained ownself very well and wants to solve it from the source of the problem. Previously, Burger King served Impossible Whopper that based on plant. But now, with Reduced Methane Whopper is started a war to climate change. Also, It showed to not contain artificial anything with Moldy Whopper ad. Burger King takes firm steps for sustainability. Reduced Methane Whopper only served on 14 July. Unfortunately, you can find only in Los Angeles, Portland, Austin, Miami, and New York.


Congratulation Burger King!!!

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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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