Horrifyingly Realistic & Eye-Catching Fire Prevention Ads in Toronto

1 min

Is it possible to prevent instantaneous fire? Created by the ad agency Publicis Toronto on behalf of Toronto Fire Services and Toronto Community Housing in honor of fire prevention week. The fire prevention campaign called “Fire Happens Fast” gained praise and turned heads around the City of Toronto.

“Unattended cooking is the number 1 cause of fires in homes,” stated Toronto Fire Services

Ads with flames seen on transit shelters, billboards, and buildings around the city that, at first glance, you could have sworn look real (but thankfully aren’t!), which is what made the campaign highly effective and successful in getting the message across. Let’s have a look these fire prevention ads together! 🙂

To sum up, we should be very careful anywhere that we use fire. Otherwise, it might be very hard to compensate! 🙂

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Ghita Salouane

A marketing and finance student at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane (Morocco). Passionate about marketing and believes that everything you can imagine is real.

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