The Black Friday Tips For Your Business

1 min

Last year, people spent money total of $717.5 billion on Black Friday. It is a high number, isn't it? They are waiting for this event a whole year. Thus, firms must supply people's expectations. If you join Black Friday's firms and you want to draw attention to customers, you need some tips. Let's take a look! 😀

Credit: NBC/Giphy

Topic: Black Friday tips for your business

  1. 1 Feature Desirable Product

    You should exhibit the best products for drawing attention to your customers. You will expose the best clothes, shoes, accessories, watches, etc. in the store window. If you prefer to focus on or use the web site, you will bring your products to the forefront on your websites. This provides increasing your sales.

  2. 2 Determine Right Target Market

    You should advertise, give knowledge according to your customers. You get your customer's opinions about expectations, desires, etc. You should be customer-oriented. Otherwise, your discount may be unsuccessful because this discount is not a desirable discount. 

  3. 3 Use Social Media Effectively

    You should use some tactics like a mouth to mount marketing, rumor. When you use social media features, you increase interaction. Your best assistant is key hashtags for interaction. Instagram stories are effective communication like tests, hashtags, countdown or surveys. In addition, you can remind yourself of Google, Instagram, Facebook ads. If you prepare an email list, you send mail about your discounts or promote your products for customers.  

  4. 4 Control and Test For Your Business

    You should control your websites, social media, and emails. Suddenly you will be faced with the intensity of customers. Web sites will be overloading. You will not lead social media and emails because of intensity. You must hold yourself in readiness. Our suggestion is: you test your web sites, social media, and mails. You should control images, pixels, automation, mobile applications. 

  5. 5 Lead To Operate With Your Workers

    You should create a team for Black Friday. This team's goal is crisis management, producing technical solutions, controlling traffic. You will distribute the duties. Each worker must know the responsibilities and duties. You have plans for crisis situations.      

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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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