10 Largest Supermarkets in the World

1 min

Topic: Largest Supermarkets

Today, supermarkets are one of the most important retail industries in the world. In the past, it wasn’t possible for people to buy from one store they need everything for their households. In towns, it was even harder to find most of the products or services. At the beginning, there were a few chain supermarkets in metropolitan. Gradually people understood that they really need products or services in towns or other small cities as well.

Now, it is time to share some popular and largest supermarkets in the world. Let’s have a look together! 😊

  1. 1 Magnit Russia

    It is one of the largest supermarkets in Russia. They have more than 12.000 stores and focus on low-prices and convenience.

  2. 2 Carrefour France

    Carrefour is one of the leading largest supermarket chains in France, yet their market share is decreasing day by day. E-leclerc has started to get more market share compared to Carrefour in France!

  3. 3 Edeka Germany

    Edeka, having more than 4000 stores, is one of the leading supermarkets in Germany with 20% market share!

  4. 4 Loblaws Canada

    Loblaw Supermarkets: With 34.1% market share, Loblaw has a great right to say in retail industry.

  5. 5 Crai Italy

    Compared to previous years, Crai performs pretty good performance in terms of sales. Crai is holding %24.5 market share now.

  6. 6 Walmart USA

    Walmart: It is the largest supermarket with 26% market share in Usa

  7. 7 Aeon Japan

    Aeon: Holding more than ¥8 million, Aeon is leading supermarket chain in Japan.

  8. 8 Woolworths Australia

    Woolworths: In 2018, it was a lucky year for Woolworths. With 1.4% increase, the company is holding %34 of market share.

  9. 9 Tesco UK

    Tesco: As being largest supermarket in UK, they are holding %26.9 of market share.

  10. 10 Albert Hejin Netherlands

    Albert Hejin: Albert Hejin is one of the leading and largest brands in Netherlands. They are holding more than %35 of market.

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Kaan Kaval

SEO Manager of Marketing Birds. Marketing Student at Akdeniz University. Extremely motivated to share marketing campaigns, constantly develop my skills and grow professionally.

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