The Most Searched Trends of the Last 25 Years!

This week, as Marketing Birds, we will examine the searched trends list announced by Google and the advertising campaign it prepared for it. 1 min

Hi Marketing lovers! 👋 This week, as we said above, we will examine the trends that have been searched in the past. While doing this, we will examine some tweets, videos and their surprises that Google has prepared for these searched trends. 🤓 Just as Google produces content for its ecosystem related to its field, we, as Marketing Birds, have shared with you the "Marketing Trends" you will need in 2024. You can read that post by using the link. 👈 Also, if you want to follow new developments, you can follow us on Instagram.

Google's Tweet About The Topic!

Google used a video to announce their new campaign. In the video, there are many of the "most searched" on Google in past 25 years. On the other hand, as you seen Google celebrated their 25 years in the same video. What a journey! 🤩 It definitely changed our life routines in a positive way. If we need to knowledge about anything we can found it in a few seconds. This is an incredible thing! 👌

A Game for Their 25 Years from Google! 🤓

From the link below, you can play Google's game that asks you to search and find each of the trends of the last 25 years in a large area. 🎮

Here is the List of Trends of 2023! 👇🏻

  • Unfortunately, some of the bad and sad events we experienced as a whole world in 2023 appeared in the most searched "News" heading. 😕

  • In the "People" heading, famous athletes and actors are listed as some of the most searched names. 🤓

  • In our last title, some celebrities who lost their lives are listed. May they all rest in peace. 🙏

As a Last Word

That was the end of the post. Before finishing, if you have any feedback or recommendations for us, you can reach us by sending an e-mail or sending a DM to us. 📩

That's it for this week! See you all in next week! 👋🏻

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Arda Sanıl Onay

Editor of The Marketing Birds' website. He is studying International Trade & Business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. He likes writing about outdoor advertising and innovations about marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to him, say hi via e-mail or on Instagram.

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