Burger King Trolled McDonald’s Through a Movie!

Burger King referred to its arch-rival by using the clown in the preview of Stephen King's "IT" movie. 1 min

Hi marketing lovers! Today we will examine perhaps one of the most iconic of the Burger King – McDonald’s duel. ⚔️ The story begins with Stephen King’s book “IT” which was adapted into a movie and released for the second time. Those who watch will know that the main character of this movie is a “clown”. Burger King and the advertising agencies they worked with must have noticed this and created such an advertisement. And as you know, this wasn’t the first sarcastic ad of these two competitors. They also used ChatGPT to compete with each other through advertisements. If you want to check what they did, by clicking the link you can reach our post. 👈

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Here is the video of the ad! 👆🏻According to us, it's remarkable! Imagine that, you watching a movie and at the end of the movie you see an ad like this. It's unexpected. And we think that's the point that makes this ad remarkable! Creator of the ad, Hamburg-based advertising agency Grabarz & Partner, has done an incredible job. 🤓

Here is The Effect of The Ad in Whole World! 👇🏻

What an ad! 🤩 It had almost 1 billion impressions. All we can say is "wow"! We sent our congrats to Burger King Deutschland and Grabarz & Partner agency for the success of the advertisement

Before to finish!

That's it for this week! 🤓 What do you think about the ad? As we said previously, in our opinion, this ad was one of the best in this competition. Share your ideas with us!

Until next time, see you all! 👋🏻

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