What is CGI? What’s Importance of CGI Marketing?

Today we'll examine nowadays' one of the best type of marketing strategy, CGI, and its importance of with details of the topic. 1 min

Hi marketing lovers! As you saw in the title, We’ll talk about and explain the importance of the topic in detail. 🤓 Actually, we have 2 important reasons for creating this content. The first one is CGI using graphs. 📈 It’s increasing rapidly in all around the World. The second one is your high interest in our previous post about CGI marketing examples. By using the link, you can also reach that post. 👈 Before starting, if you have any feedback or content ideas, you can reach us on our IG account.

So let’s start! 🤩

What is CGI

Computer-generated imagery, commonly known as CGI, involves the utilization of computer graphics to construct virtual digital renditions of objects in the shape of 3D models. Originally employed for generating static images or animated videos through computer software, CGI and 3D modeling are increasingly finding extensive application in the realm of video games. 💻

CGI is Important Because of These Reasons 👇🏻

1) CGI, by its very nature, is seen as an expensive marketing tool because it involves certain hand-drawn objects and characters. Contrary to popular belief, once the basic methods of working with CGI are grasped and its use optimized, it becomes clear that it is a cost-effective tool. ✅

2) When you plan a marketing strategy with this type of content, even if you work with different CG producers, you can work on the pieces in parallel and put them together at the end and change them at the last minute in case the client wants to make adjustments. ✅

3)  In our opinion, its most important feature is that it creates an unlimited field of creativity. And as a community interested in marketing, we know that if there is creativity somewhere, important advertisements can emerge for the marketing ecosystem. ✅

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Arda Sanıl Onay

Editor of The Marketing Birds' website. He is studying International Trade & Business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. He likes writing about outdoor advertising and innovations about marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to him, say hi via e-mail or on Instagram.

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