Now Volkswagen Has Become “WALKsvagen”! Here is The Reason 👇🏻

As part of "Europe Mobility Week", we are discussing the "WALKswagen" project, which emerged in cooperation with Volkswagen and MullenLowe GGK. 1 min

Hello Marketing Birds readers! 👋🏻  We hope everything is okay for you. This week, as you can see in the title, we will talk about “WALKsvagen”, which is the joint project of “Volkswagen” and the Slovakian advertising agency “MullenLowe GGK”. Regular Marketing Birds readers know that we like to share articles like this from time to time and raise awareness about such issues. 🤓 You can access one of our articles from the link. 👈 On the other hand, if you are an Instagram user and want to see ads like “WALKsvagen” on your homepage, we recommend you follow us on Instagram! 🤩

Let’s start our post without further ado! 😊

Why Volkswagen Need to Do Something Like This? 🤔

Slovakia has the fourth highest CO2 emissions from new cars in the European Union. Officials of the agency and the brand saw this as a point of inspiration for a creative idea; He wanted to publish this advertising project at the same time as "European Mobility Week" and show the world once again that both Volkswagen and Slovakia support this idea regarding "Sustainability".

Here is The Impacts of The "WALKsvagen" in Around the World!

MullenLowe GGK, Slovakia

This creative campaign reached the world as digital, direct, and outdoor advertising. This creative campaign reached the world as digital, direct, and outdoor advertising. And as you can see in the image, thanks to this campaign, the brand increased its "impressions" by 85% and its "interactions" by an incredible 796%. All we can say is "WoW"! 🤯


So, as our gif says, we think that's it for this week! 🤓

As always, you can send us both your comments about this ad and your general feedback via e-mail or by sending a DM on Instagram. 📩;

We hope you liked this ad. See you in future posts! 👋🏻

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