Top Examples of CGI Marketing!

''CGI Marketing'' has become a widely used marketing tool these days. Therefore, this week we will examine together Marketing campaigns produced with CGI. 1 min

Hi Marketing Birds followers! 👋 This week, we will examine CGI Marketing campaigns, which is a technology that has been in our lives for a long time but has gone viral very recently. Before continuing our ads, firstly, let’s briefly explain what CGI is for you. CGI means Computer-generated imagery. To explain it in another way, it is a more advanced version of the system called green screen. 💻 By the way, before delving into CGI advertisements, you can take a look at the ads dedicated to “Christmas” by clicking this link. 👈


  1. 1 Adidas

    In our first example, we see Adidas' football that was used in the 2023 Champions League final, which will almost block the entire Bosphorus. 🌊

  2. 2 Sephora

    Another advertisement on the Bosphorus... This time, Sephora-branded bags seem to have generated impressive moments for people. 🤩

  3. 3 L'Oreal

    L'Oreal's make-up car on the ground is an advertisement that can be an example for make-up companies in the field of "CGI Marketing". 🤓

  4. 4 Samsung

    One of the areas where Samsung can best explain its foldable phone! And we think they made the most of this opportunity. 😍

  5. 5 Rexona

    A huge t-shirt on the bridge... This really has the potential to attract all the attention. 👌

  6. 6 Vapiano

    This time, delicious Italian pasta couldn't fit into this big shop and spilled onto the streets! 🇮🇹

  7. 7 ImagineX Studios

    The brand's flag passes over an iconic historical artefact. We thought this was impressive.

  8. 8 Bonus: Molfix

    In our last example, Molfix brought its baby diapers, produced with next-generation channel technology, to 3D screens in the most vibrant locations of Istanbul. 💙

    DM your favourite CGI ads to us on Instagram! 😊

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