Cereal Ads That You’ll Find Funny!

Cereals are most of us's best friends at breakfast. That's why, we decided to separate this week to look at cereal ads! 1 min

Hi everyone!  As you can see in the title today, we will examine the simple but impressive advertisements of cereals, which are the savior of breakfast for most of us, especially us students. 🤓 We chose all of these cereal ads from the cereal manufacturer called “Surreal”. Because they explained in a very simple and funny way what the purpose of their product is and what the product promises. If you would like to examine Surreal’s cereal ads in detail, you can access their Instagram accounts from the link here. ✅ On the other hand, if you want to check newest trends on the marketing ecosystem, you can read our CGI post via this link. 👈

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  1. Which one was your favourite?

    These were the ads. What do you think? Are they eye-catching or not? If you choose one of that, which one would you choose? Don't forget to select your best ads below. 👇🏻

    1. 1st One
    2. 2nd One
    3. 3rd One
    4. 4rd One
    5. 5th One
    4 votes
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