OpenAI Introduced Sora, Its AI That Produces Videos with Texts!

AIs are It may be the fastest changing and developing field since they entered our world. Today we will introduce you to a new AI Sora! 🤖 1 min

Hi Marketing Birds readers! Today, we will introduce you to OpenAI’s new product, Sora from the perspective of Marketing Birds. 🤓 Let’s briefly explain Sora for those who don’t know. Sora is an AI tool where you can produce “video” content by giving prompts such as ChatGPT. 🦾 If you are already a strict follower of Marketing Birds, you may have guessed that we will be promoting this AI. 🤓 Because we wrote a lot of posts about AIs. You can access them from the link.

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Fundamental Informations About Sora 👇🏻

According to OpenAI's tweet:

1) OpenAI's new AI can create videos of up to 60 seconds featuring highly detailed scenes, complex camera motion, and multiple characters with vibrant emotions. ✅

2) OpenAI states that Sora's grasp of language is so deep that it can produce engaging characters that can express vivid emotions. ✅

3) Again, according to OpenAI's tweet, Sora can enhance images that have already been captured. Additionally, if there is a missing pixel, it can fill it in and create a new video. ✅

4) In addition, the company also said that Sora cannot be used in inappropriate or abusive content. ❌

5) OpenAI also stated that work on Sora continues and that the AI model has weaknesses, especially in the cause-effect relationship. ❌

For example, there is a video of eating a cookie in a video on the company's website. But after one bite of this cookie, there is no bite left in the cookie. Of course, these are at a somewhat advanced level, but if you are making this type of artificial intelligence, people's expectations will be equally high. 🤷‍♂️

Here is Announcement Tweet!

What do you think about OpenAI's new project, Sora ? Do you think it can compete with its competitors? What is pros and cons of the product for you? 🤔

Share your ideas with us sending by an e-mail or DM on IG. 📩

Thank you for your reading and see you all in next week! 👋🏻

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